Wilsher Village

New village using best-practice design principles to meet the needs of older tenants
Wilsher Village adopts a new style of living for older residents. The new village has been built using best-practice design principles that have been created specifically to better meet the needs of older tenants.
An internal atrium and generous corridors on each floor encourage social connection between those who live in the village. The building is also designed to be energy efficient and easy to maintain.
• The number of older Aucklanders is expected to double in the next 15 years.
• The new village has increased Auckland Council’s tally of homes for older people to 1452, and villages to 63.
This 4-storey apartment building designed by ACH Consulting houses 40 apartments on a previously vacant 3000 sqm site at 21-33 Henderson Valley Road. Panuku Development Auckland, the city’s urban regeneration agency, identified this site as a suitable location for social housing for older tenants.
The building features:
One-bedroom, 45sqm apartments in a single four-storey building.
All apartments wheelchair accessible, with designated space for a mobility scooter.
High Homestar 7 built rating, extensive green grounds and 19 car parking spaces
Getting more people into high-quality housing in the area will help revitalise Henderson town centre. The new neighbourhood also offers strong links to public transport and excellent cultural, recreational and educational facilities nearby.
Auckland’s older citizens include some of our most vulnerable who critically need to have warm, dry, safe and comfortable homes where access is easy and so is the living.
In developing the design standards for these apartments, Panuku worked closely with The Selwyn Foundation, Age Concern NZ, mana whenua, tenant reference groups and the local board to gain insights into the challenges faced by those living in the homes. Through this process they identified opportunities to design quality units that go beyond minimum design requirements.
The first lucky tenants are expected to move in late 2019.
Engineering – ACH Consulting